With Yaballe’s managed accounts we fulfill all of your orders automatically, using our Amazon accounts. It’s cost-effective and profitable!
Our fulfillment system currently supports eBay.com for Amazon US and offers the following services:
No need to use your Amazon account
Automatic Tracking Number Updates
TC / Aquiline Conversion with an option for one sender address & immediate tracking update
FBA & 3rd Party Sellers
24/7 Support: easy return labels, refunds, etc
Balance Load With Paypal & Payoneer
*** PLEASE NOTE: Managed Account users do not need to buy regular AO credits! ***
Balance load to operate the system (updated on May 2023):
Load with Paypal: 3% through the website
Load with Payoneer: 1%
From each balance load, an additional 8% fee will be applied. This fee is mostly returned to you thanks to Yaballe's Tax Exemption, which is worth ~7%.
In addition, every successful order is charged with $0.30 fee.
Sold Items page: On this page, you can follow all of your orders being fulfilled by our AO system. As you will see, there are several statuses during the process:
Pending - Order hasn’t been uploaded to the AO system yet, it should take a few minutes
Processing - Order is being handled by our AO system
Success - Order has been successfully purchased by our AO system
Error - Something went wrong during the processing. You can hover the mouse over the order to see the reason. If needed, open a ticket for manual order.
Excluded - The item would not be ordered by our AO. Could be reversed by "Retry" function.
In order to retry it, you can select the order row and press the "Retry" button (Rocket icon in yellow) that will appear on top of the page.
There is also an option to "Force & Ignore filters" - pay attention that this option will ignore your max loss filters!
Before loading the balance for the first time, make sure to exclude old listings to avoid their auto ordering. This applies to very orders as well - it's best to check all your old orders, including "Shipped" status (via Filters button on Sold Items page) and click the "Exclude" button (red X). On first connection the system would mark all your orders prior to connection to the service as "MANUALLY" - it equals "EXCLUDED".
On the right-hand side of the page, you can always see how much balance you have left
We recommend to keep an eye on your account and transactions and load up the balance to maintain consecutive auto ordering & auto tracking. You can see your remaining balance on top right corner of Sold items page.
Balance Page
Reflects the activity within your account, just like a bank account (balance loading, sold items, refunds, etc).
Loading your Balance from Payoneer or Paypal can be easily done through LOAD BALANCE button on your BALANCE page:
In the window which will open, first choose Payoneer or Paypal and link them, and only afterwards type the amount you want to load in $. Currently we support loading balance form multiple Payoneer account - after you connect each of them for the first time, they will be saved in your auto orders settings and during each balance load, you will be able to choose between them:
24/7 Support
Enables you to chat with a support agent in case you have issues with any of your orders. You can open a new ticket via the purple widget (make sure to choose Fulfillment topic for fastest reply) or via "My Requests" from Yaballe menu.
Auto Orders Settings
On this page, you can set some basic filters for your orders to protect yourself:
Turn your Auto Ordering Service on & off (Active or Inactive). In case you don’t have enough balance to fulfill orders the AO system (including auto tracking) would instantly turn to “Inactive” and after a balance upload it will go active automatically.
Max $ Order Price - this is the maximum price per single item in Amazon you allow AO to order
Max $ Loss Per Order - This is meant to cover small price differences in case source price was changed after your item was already bought from you and before AO got to fulfill it.
Allow 3rd party Sellers in Amazon - check this option only in case you work with 3rd party sellers and your eBay shipping policy is compatible with their terms.
Those filters are applied to all your orders.
Skip this section - it is activated automatically when you are subscribed to the fulfillment service).
Click here to learn how to set your preferred settings for it.
To activate the service on your account, please open a ticket via the purple HELP widget or from "My Requests".
Thank you! :-)
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