Auto-load Balance saves you the overhead to load-balance by yourself, and keeps ordering flow all day long - it automatically loads balance from your connected Payoneers when its needed, to ensure you never run out of funds when placing orders.
This feature is available in these auto-ordering modes and in all fulfillment regions (US / DE / UK): Auto-ordering by Yaballe Amazon Accounts, Hybrid auto-ordering
Service Charges
- Standard load balance fees or other auto-ordering fees
$1 / €1 / £1 per auto-load transaction
(mind that these charges are for the automatic load transaction, regardless and in addition to other load fees you may be paying)
Service Setup
You can turn it on (or off) by yourself whenever you choose to, as follows:
- Make sure you understand how the service works as explained below (when it loads, how much it load, from which Payoneer it loads, etc).
Go to Settings > Ordering > AUTO-ORDERING BY YBL ACCOUNTS section, and make sure you have connected your Payoneers for load balance - if you connected them, they appear in your Payoneer Payment Methods table.
If you need to connect Payoneers -- click +Add New Payoneer Payment Method button and fill in all the details of your Payoneer.
Turn on the Allow auto load-balance toggle, and edit / save the following options:
- Max $amount per load: the maximum amount to load once needed.
- Auto-load if my balance is below $: the minimum balance threshold. When your balance falls below this level, the system attempts to load funds.
Payoneer currency: the currency of the Payoneer balance to load from. By default it is dollars, but if you have other balances in your Payoneer you want us to load from (like Euro, or GPB), you can.
- The Yaballe balance currency is always according to your target market ($ for US / € for DE / £ fro UK) -- so mind any possible transfer fees in case the Payoneer currency differs
Note!! these settings apply to the account where you save them AND if it is part of a cluster - to the entire cluster!
That's It! Yaballe will take it from here and automatically load balance for you when need to
Look for the "auto-load balance" tag in your Yaballe > Balance page
- You can turn it on or off by yourself at anytime with the on/off toggle.
- Even when it's on, you can still Load Balance balance by yourself when you want to, using the Load Balance button on the Yaballe > Balance page.
How it works?
When will auto-load trigger load balance?
- It will trigger if your balance is too low to process your next order in queue, or if the balance drops below the threshold you've set (Auto-load if my balance is below $ setting)
- Auto-load transactions are at least 4 hours apart, and maximum 6 times a day.
How much money will be loaded each time?
- The auto-load will try to load the amount you've defined (Max $amount per load setting), and if there isn't enough, it will take whatever is available in your Payoneer.
- The auto-load will try to load the amount you've defined (Max $amount per load setting), and if there isn't enough, it will take whatever is available in your Payoneer.
From which Payoneer will it load the money?
- By default, it will first try to load the amount from your Payoneer with the highest balance in your chosen currency (Payoneer currency settings).
If there aren't enough funds in one Payoneer, it will take the available balance from the first Payoneer, and then will continue to the next highest-balance Payoneer to complete the rest and so on -- until it manages to collect the entire amount or until there are no more Payoneers to collect from.
- Auto-load transaction fee is charged only once per a successful load transaction, even of it was collected from multiple Payoneers
The system will try to load balance only from Payoneers that:
- Have more than $3 / €3 / £3 in their balance at the time of the load.
- Are accessible at the time of the load (the system successfully connects)
What happens when Auto-load balance succeeds to load money?
You'll see the typical load balance row in Yaballe > Balance page, with the auto-load Balance tag in case it was automatically done by the system
The system charges the auto-load transaction fee from your loaded balance (mind that these charges are for the automatic load transaction, regardless and in addition to other load fees you may be paying)
You'll see the typical load balance row in Yaballe > Balance page, with the auto-load Balance tag in case it was automatically done by the system
What happens if Auto-load balance fails to load money?
If there wasn't any Payonner balance to load from:
the system will pause auto-ordering and will retry to load the amount from the Payoneers every 4 hours, until it succeeds.- So if you later load more money to your Payoneer, the system will recover by itself and will resume auto-ordering once the auto-load succeeds.
- So if you later load more money to your Payoneer, the system will recover by itself and will resume auto-ordering once the auto-load succeeds.
If all your Payoneers are inaccessible (can't connect to them):
the system will pause auto-ordering and will retry to connect and load the amount from the Payoneers every 4 hours, for 3 days until it succeeds.
If after 3 days it still fails -- the Auto-load Balance will Pause (toggle off state).
- If you fix your Payoneer connection issue (e.g. update payment method) within 3 days from the first failure -- the system will recover by itself and will resume auto-ordering once the auto-load succeeds.
- If it takes you longer than 3 days to fix the Payoneer connection issue --- you'll need to resume Auto-load Balance to get it going.
- If you fix your Payoneer connection issue (e.g. update payment method) within 3 days from the first failure -- the system will recover by itself and will resume auto-ordering once the auto-load succeeds.
If there wasn't any Payonner balance to load from:
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