How to load balance via Stripe/CC in Yaballe?
1. In Yaballe > Balance page, click the "Load Balance" button:
2. The load amount dialog box will open up, with the correct currency sign.
Type in the amount you wish to load (gross, fees included):
3. Select "Pay with Stripe" Payment method in the next dialog box.
If you don't see the Stripe button, contact support):
4. Once Pay with Stripe was clicked, a new dialogue box will open up with the following question:
Which currency do you want Stripe to use for charging your card?
- USD - Yaballe will then convert it to Euro or Pounds (according to the default of your Yaballe account eBay platform - EURO for Germany and GBP for UK).
EUROS or POUNDS (Stripe will first convert it to USD, then Yaballe will convert it back to Euros or Pounds (according to the default of your Yaballe account eBay platform).
*Conversions will be done according to the exchange rate at the time of the loads.
If you have USD in your credit card, that's the best option that saves you money. Stripe will charge you in USD from the get go, avoiding unnecessary currency conversion before transferring the USD amount to Yaballe.
5. Complete the transfer via Stripe checkout
6. Upon success, the loaded balance will show immediately in your Yaballe balance page.
Net currency amount after Stripe fee; conversion rate; net amount after Stripe fee & conversion; balance after stripe fee & conversion fee & load-balance fee will all be shown in your balance page after the transaction.
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