If you are listing items with Yaballe Auto-lister or with Yaballe Bulk Lister and the listing fails - Yaballe will show you an error message (see here where to find it in Yaballe).
These are the common errors and how to handle them:
Error Message | How to Handle it |
[System Error]
If you have the VeRO protection set in Yaballe, it will prevent listing any item that fails on the VeRO test. It's recommended not to list the item (especially if its a brand or a title VeRO). If you want to list such items after all, you can change your VeRO strictness settings |
[System Error]
It's recommended to avoid listing items with potential supply issues that can risk your store. If after all you want to list an item that failed by source filter, you can change your source filter settings |
[System Error]
It's recommended to avoid listing items with zero quantity that can degrade your eBay store rating. If after all you want to list an item that has zero quantity: - In Auto-lister: click the List Item button after the out-of-stock warning message is shown - In bulk lister: list the bulk again after you unchecked the Prevent Listing Out of Stock Items option: |
[System Error]
The source item isn't available in Amazon inventory server (although it may show on Amazon marketplace) - try listing other items |
[System Error]
Yaballe doesn't allow listing the same item twice in one Yaballe account. If you want to list the same item across multiple linked accounts - list the item again after you check the Allow item duplication between accounts option in Yaballe > Settings > Accounts |
[Target Error]
A general error from eBay, caused by various factors, such as a problem with your linked payment method (check your eBay payment policy for errors) or due to inconsistency between your shipping mode in eBay and the item location in Yaballe SETTINGS > EBAY POLICIES>MONITOR PROFILES>Item Location. |
[Target Error]
eBay doesn't allow listing this item -- try listing other items Non-API Note: eBay non-API protocol (M I P) does not support all the product categories that you can list with API. For example: eBay motors is not supported. |
[Target Error]
The policies in eBay need to be valid and their names must match in Yaballe - check that your eBay policies are set properly and update their names precisely in Yaballe Non-API details. If all seem ok - go to eBay and save your policies once again (eBay known bug: sometime the policy you see isn't what they saved in their DB - save to it). |
[Target Error]
The location details in both eBay and Yaballe can't be empty and must match - check your eBay warehouse location and update them precisely in Yaballe - sender address and item location |
[Target Error]
You either need to reconnect you eBay token (API), or fill in the missing data in the lister -- read here how |
Find the Listing Error in Yaballe
If you are using Yaballe Auto Lister (Yaballe > Lister > AUTO LISTER) -- an error details (in case of error) will appear in red below the item, once you click the Get Item button.
Note: using Yaballe Auto Lister for Non-API will display only source-related errors (e.g. VeRO, Source Filters, etc). To see eBay listing errors - look in eBay log files.
- If you are using Yaballe Bulk Lister (Yaballe > Lister > BULK LISTER) - the error details appear in the Description column of the bulk items, when clicking the relevant bulk details (Failed) in the BULK STATUS tab
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