Bulk listing is a compound operation that requires handling of many items over period of time with different results. The Bulk Lister Status enables to see the current status of this compound operation and each of its included items.
In case of an item listing failure, it also details the failure reason.
Once listing items via Yaballe BULK LISTER, you can see the status of your bulk listing request in Yaballe> Lister > BULK STATUS tab:
Each bulk listing request generates a row in the BULK STATUS tab, with these details:
Column Details Status The overall status of the bulk listing operation:
- Grey - bulk listing is still in progress
- Green - bulk listing ended, all items listed
- Yellow - bulk listing ended, some items failed to list
- Red - bulk listing ended, all items failed to list
eBay User ID Your eBay User ID for which the bulk listing was done ID Yaballe's bulk listing operation unique identifier Timestamp The timeline of this bulk listing operation:
- Start: when the bulk listing started
- End: when the bulk listing ended
Note: if you used the bulk lister schedule function, the start time is when you logged the request (and not when the scheduling is due). The listing will be In Progress status until the scheduled time.
Details The bulk listing status details, by these categories:
- All: x the total number of items you attempted to list
- In Progress: x (y%): the number of items which listing is still in progress (and their % of the total number of items in this bulk operation)
- Success: x (y%) the number of items which listed successfully (and their % of the total number of items in this bulk operation)
- Success - protected: x (y%) the number of items which listed successfully however with quantity 0 because their source is our-of-stock (and their % of the total number of items in this bulk operation)
- Failed: x (y%) the number of items which failed to list (and their % of the total number of items in this bulk operation)
Each of these categories is clickable - click a category to get the specific list of its items
Each of the status categories in the details column is clickable - click it to open a list of the items in its category. For example - clicking the Success category will open a list of all the items that listed successfully
Per item you can see these details (if available):
eBay Item ID, Title, SKU, ASIN, eBay User ID, Status, Description.-
Clicking the Failed status category, will open the list of all item which listing failed, and also detail the reason fore the failure in the Description column.
Read here about listing failures and how to fix them. - Read here about the different listing errors and how to handle them
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