During initial setup of a new Yaballe user, choose "Yaballe Non-API".
**Contact us first before you proceed**
Once the user exists in Yaballe, update the following 5 details of your non-api account in Yaballe SETTINGS > ADVANCED > ADVNACED ACCOUNT SETTINGS > Chaneg non-api details:
- eBay MIP token
- eBay user ID
- eBay Shipping Policy name
- eBay Payment Policy name
- eBay Returns Policy name
1. In order to fill in the info in the support ticket, go to the following URL on a new browser tab and click "Get Started" button:
* Make sure to do it from the IP you use to login to your eBay account. *
2. Next you would see the following:
On the menu on the left go to Settings > Feed Schema
Make sure "eBay format" is selected and Select the file type CSV, as shown on the screenshot below. Click "Save changes".
3. Next go to Settings > FTP setup in the menu on the left:
Under FTP setup 2 you would see a long token, place your mouse on it, click CTRL+A to select it all and then CTRL+C to copy in to clipboard. Paste the token in Yaballe Fully-automatic Non-API signup window under "ebay MIP token".
DO NOT CLICK on "Generate Token" button in eBay, because it would generate a new token. If you clicked it, simply make sure the last one is the one you copy into Yaballe.
On the same page in section 3 at the very bottom, you can see your Username / eBay user ID (aka your eBay store name) - copy it to Yaballe signup settings "User ID".
4. On the same page on top click "Manage your channels":
It would take you to Channel Management - a list of your eBay policies and you desired warehouse location:
Click "Add/Edit" under each policy type and copy the name of the policy you want Yaballe to use to your Yaballe Fully-automatic Non-API signup settings. For example on this account the policy name is:
2 handling + 2-5 free shipping No International
Repeat the same procedure for Payment & Returns policy as well.
And last - set your warehouse location in eBay:
If you will use Aquiline tracking numbers provided by Yaballe, make sure to put the same address and city& state there too, as well as in your Yaballe SETTINGS > EBAY POLICIES > MONITOR PROFILES (it would be taken to become your listings' item location from there).
This address has to be real (ZIP must match the city you choose) and unique for you - please DO NOT COPY from the screenshot.
Congratulations, you are ready to go with Yaballe Fully-automatic Non-API!
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