Hybrid split by order price (AKA Split Value) is the value that guides the system how to split the orders between the different fulfillment accounts in Hybrid auto-ordering mode:
- Items with source value < Split Value --> fulfill by Yaballe Amazon Accounts
- Items with source value >= Split Value --> fulfill by Your Amazon Accounts
Note! Make sure that your Split Value aligns with other settings (for example: if your split value is $20, but your Amazon accounts rules allow orders above $25 only - then orders of 20-$25 that supposed to be processed by your account can't process)
To change the split value:
- Click the Edit button to the right of the Hybrid split by order price ($), change the value as desired and click the Save button
- The confirmation pop-up message lets you decide if to apply the split Value change to future orders only, or also for existing unprocessed orders. Choose your option and click the Continue button.
- You can validate if an order is placed in the "right" queue, by looking at it's queue flag in Yaballe> Sold Items page:
Order is in Yaballe Accounts processing queue
Order is in Your Accounts processing queue
Order is no processing queue
The following flowchart fully explains the processing queue logic:
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