Price Settings
PROFIT & BREAK EVEN options (in Yaballe > Settings > GENERAL> PROFIT & BREAK EVEN) helps you protect your profit and make sure that all costs are taken into account in the price calculation of future listed items.
It is imperative that you apply these settings from the get go.
To update the pricing of already existing listing, read this.
Setting | Description |
Default Break Even % (set per source) |
The point where your profit starts counting, per source supplier. It should cover your costs beyond the product cost, for example: eBay subscription and selling fees, PayPal fees, Credit Card fees, average supplier taxes, etc. Minimum Value: 0% (do not leave blank) Maximum Value: 100% |
Desired profit % (of source price) |
The desired profit in %percentage of source price, on-top of the breakeven point. Minimum Value: 0% (do not leave blank) Maximum Value: 100% |
Desired profit $ |
The desired profit in $us-dollars, on-top of the breakeven point and the Desired profit %. Minimum Value: $0.01 (do not leave blank) Maximum Value: $999.99 Note: both Desired profit $ and Desired profit % are considered together in your profit (max of both??) |
Item Price Calculation
Yaballe pricing formula calculates profit on-top of source item price (AKA Cost+), as follows:
Migrating Profit Settings from Other Monitors
While some monitors like Yaballe calculates profit on-top of source item price (AKA Cost+), some other monitors regard profit as % of the calculated eBay Item Price (target price). In this case their item price formula is something of this sort:
- Target Profit % - Is the profit rate you intend to keep out of the eBay Item Price, on top of the Break Even rate.
For users who migrate to Yaballe from such monitors and wonder how to translate their former profit settings to Yaballe, here is the migration formula to do so:
- Target Profit % - Is the profit rate you had with the other monitor
- Default Break Even % - Is the breakeven rate you had with the other monitor, and going to use in Yaballe too
- Desired Profit % - Is the profit rate you need to place in Yaballe, in order to get a similar eBay item price calculation as you got with the other monitor which used a different formula.
Source price (AMZ): $73
Other monitor
- Break even % = 17%
- Target profit % = 10%
Item price formula:
- Calculated eBay Item Price = 73 / (1-17% - 10%) = $100
- Break even %= 17%
- Desired Profit % = 13.7%
>> Using the migration formula: (1-17%) / (1 - 17% - 10%)-1 = 13.7% -
Desired Profit $ = 0
Item Price formula:
- Calculated eBay Item Price = (73*(1+13.7%) + 0) / (1-17%) = $100
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