Submit a request

The Account User's first & last name

The name of the target partner to relate the account to

The target cluster's leading email

To sync your listings that were previously monitored by other-monitor, we must get a list of those listings so we can sync them up.

Tell us the name of your previous monitor. we need this info to help you extract your listings from there.

We need this info in order to login to your previous monitor account and help extracting your listings from there, so we can sync them into Yaballe.

We need this info in order to login to your previous monitor account and help extracting your listings from there, so we can sync them into Yaballe.

Tell us which store's listings you wish to extract from your previous monitor. We need this info to help you extract your listings from there.

Tell us which listings of which sources you wish to extract from your previous monitor. We need this info to help you extract your listings from there.

Why we need this info? because the migration process is different for each of these options

Before turning on MIP in Yaballe, you must first turn it on in eBay. You can read here how to do it:

Update MIP data action is sometime needed in accounts that already use MIP to monitor their listings. DONT SUBMIT THIS FORM IF YOU ARE ENABLING MIP IN YOUR ACCOUNT FOR THE FIRST TIME.

Before turning on MIP in Yaballe, you must first create a Yaballe Non-API account - that is NOT linked to a MIP cluster.

Before turning on MIP in Yaballe, you must first create a Yaballe Non-API account (NOT linked to a MIP cluster) and sync your existing listings.

Before turning on MIP in Yaballe, you must first create a Yaballe Non-API account (NOT linked to a MIP cluster) and let us sync the listings for you.

To sync your listings that were previously monitored by other-monitor via MIP, we must get a Listing-SKU mapping file. You can download it from your eBay Account File Exchange>> Download>> Source:Listings (To get there, right click on the link below and choose 'Open Link In a New Tab')

Since you are about to migrate all your listings to MIP, don't add any new listings from now until the migration is done - to ensure all listings are properly migrated.

Anything else we need to know?

Add file or drop files here